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Bittersweet Goodbye
I remember the first day I drove my Altis out of the Toyota Cubao showroom last October 2003. I distinctly remember the feel of the steering wheel on my hand, the touch of the leather car seats and the new car smell that is as sweet as a baby's bottom (well, I will know that first hand next February :P).It felt like the advert of PS Bank Autoloan, where the car buyer was in a waiting room, nervous like an expectant father while he waits for word if "Britney" is ready to be driven.So it is bittersweet that I sold my dear "Tish". Tish is the first car I have bought and it will always have a special place in my heart even if I drive a Porsche or Ferrari in five years time (Yeah, Mark, dream on!).
Bad trip I was watching the Ateneo-UE game at home when suddenly I heard a loud boom just outside our house and the electricity went out. It was just halftime and I didn't see the last half of the game! Sobrang bad trip! Anyway, good thing Ateneo still won. That is now 7 straight wins!
Been sick for the past few days... Another excuse to stay at home and just sleep the whole day.
It finally arrived!
Got myself a new toy! The video camera I asked my uncle to get from the US has finally arrived! Been playing around with it and I must say that it is sweeeettt.... :)
Let me be a little geekyThis blogging thing is becoming a little complicated. In order to improve upon the look of this site, I have decided to invest in 2 HTML books. I bought it in National Bookstore for a very good price.It was just when I got home that I realized why these books are dirt cheap (a little over P200 a book). These books were published in 2001 (as all of you know, computer books that are more than 6 months old are worth a little less than last year's phone book) but I hope I can learn even the basic commands and tricks of HTML, CSS, DHTML and XML.Once I get the hang of this, I would like to get started on learning about Macromedia's Studio MX 2004. This is a more advanced website publishing and design software which I hope I can learn.
When I want to feel like six again...
I just stumbled into this collection in and nostalgia hit me. I started reading Calvin and Hobbes strips when I was in high school and I immediately loved it! Since then, I have bought every collection of Calvin and Hobbes strips there is.This is definitely a recommended buy for everybody who, once in a while in this workaday world, is looking for something to cheer them up. I know I want to read this again with my kid... soon. :)
Collection Consolidation I have started the gruesome task of packing stuff for our imminent move to Seattle and I started with cataloging and filing our CD collection. It became an interesting exercise halfway through when I started adding KC's CDs to that collection. I found some duplicate CDs (which obviously meant that we have some semblance of taste, musically, that is) that I have decided to share. Lauryn Hill's The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill
Side A's The Tenth Anniversary Live Concert
U2's The Best of 1980-1990 John Mayer's Room for Squares Jewel's Pieces of You Kenny Loggins' Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow the Greatest Hits of Kenny Loggins Mind you, there were also "What were you thinking when you decided to buy these CDs" CDs. CDs from Aiza Seguerra, Martin Niviera, Backstreet Boys, Westlife among others now pollute an otherwise immaculate collection of real music... Sigh...
RANT RAMPAGEForgive me for having a rant session here in my blog but I figured that this is the easiest and cheapest way to express my feelings publicly about what I think is the problem here in Manila.Please, please somebody do something about the conditions of Metro Manila roads. After heavy rains soaked the city last week, potholes have popped up all over the metro like weeds would litter an unkept garden. And stop just filling the potholes with asphalt!!! IT IS JUST WASTING TAXPAYERS MONEY! I know that DPWH get a lot more of money every time they fix roads (DPWH would rather construct poor grade road so that they can maintain the roads more often and thus get more kickbacks.), but this is just ridiculous. What the hell happened to good ole fashioned concrete? Huh? Yes, it's raining and yes, it would take concrete more time to cure but YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT DURING THE LONG FREAKIN' SUMMER WE JUST HAD!!!ABOLISH THE MMDA!!!! Yes, Mr. Bayani Fernando... you are not worth the chair that your ass is seating on. Pink fences? Pink urinals? Are you a freakin' fag??? You are the source of all the metro's problem, not the solution as you want people to believe. You used the grant for the restoration of EDSA (Yes people, we received a grant to have EDSA rehabilitated. Yes, they were supposed to concretize (?) the whole stretch) but NO!!! You decided to use that money to build worthless pink footbridges all around town (using steel beams that was sourced from BF Steel, coincidence?). I guess it pays to kiss the ass of the top biatch. (How low do you have to stoop?)I'm sure that this next rant got into a lot of people's nerves since... since people began driving!!! GET THE BUSES OUT OF EDSA!!! or at least minimize their presence. Most of the traffic congestion (and smoke belching) in EDSA is due to these darn buses. These bus drivers are also the worst types of drivers in the world! (Nowhere else can you see a 20ft bus swerve 5 lanes in rush hour traffic in a little under 20-meter stretch of road). I just wish that it is not illegal to carry firearms with the sole intention of maiming these driving maniacs and putting them in wheelchairs.Whew! I am done... I guess the next edition would come after a long bout of traffic along EDSA again. Sigh... Can't wait to get out of this city.(Disclaimer: Before I get any libel suits from any of the organizations or persons mentioned above, I would just like to say one thing... Stop fuckin' about with all these nonsense lawsuits and just do what you are voted, assigned, tasked, hired to do.) Now, can somebody please give me some Valium?
Blogging in style
Going to the mall might not be so bad after all. I'm now here in Podium and the whole mall have free wifi access. How cool is that?Instead of just walking around aimlessly for 2 hours (which I tend to do for about two to three times a week while I wait for KC to finish her tutoring), I find it more fullfilling to just spend the same two hours connected to the internet, catching up on current events and accessing my emails.There's nothing better than doing that with a hot cup of coffee, good music (thanks to my iPod), air conditioning and watching people go about their businesses.I sure wish that I can do blogging on my XDA IIs phone though instead of having to boot my laptop. For some strange reason, the Blogspot page cannot be opened properly.Free wifi access has definitely put Podium on top of my favorite malls list. Aside from this, its not crowded, good shops, good restaurants and a nice ambience. What more can you ask for? (I just hope they are paying me for plugging their establishment though).
My partner in crimeKC has decided to finally write her own blog! Visit her page to read about what's going on in her head.*Warning: Her page might contain comments (positive or otherwise) about this writer.
I think I'm growing up...It's kinda nice staying home on a Friday night. It's nice that I don't have to worry about which gimik to go to, which friends to contact and how much I am going to spend.It's kinda nice that I now have a home of my own. A wife that I very much adore, and a baby on the way.It's kinda weird how a simple pregnancy test can change your whole outlook in life. Before KC took the test, we were sure that our family will just be the two of us for at least another 2 years.It's kinda worrying that I am going to be a father in half a year. I don't think I am ready to handle such a great responsibility. Though I know I will give everything I can to the baby.It's kinda scary that we will leave everything that is close to us, everything that we are comfortable with, everything we know in less than 2 months - and exciting at the same time. We will be in a totally different environment with total strangers. I will surely miss sisig.It's kinda wonderful knowing that all this happened in just a little over a year. I can't wait to see what the next 12 months will bring us."Magnificent. The boy is gone. In the last 30 seconds... you became a grown-up." - Finding Neverland
Shower Time!
It's been raining continuously for the past week and there is nothing better to do than to sleep. I don't think there is a typhoon and it is just the monsoon season.
The temperature has been great (an average of 25 degrees C) compared to the past months (which ranged from 35-40 degrees C).
Unfortunately, we might not be able to view the Perseid meteor shower which is expected to peak early this morning. Let's just hope that the skies will be clear enough tonight for us to enjoy this celestial event.
Let's Get In ON!!!
The UAAP has just released the schedule for the second round of the tournament. The Blue Eagles have a pretty nice draw to build on their 4-game winning streak of the first round. The last two games of the second round might just become a warmup to the Final Four if Ateneo manages to win the first 5 games. However, the performance of the team is far from perfect. A lot has to be done in this two-week break for the Blue Eagles to continue on their winning ways. Some of the areas they should work on:1. Limit turnovers. Yes, that means you, JC.2. Doug Kramer. Play as well as you had in the first round and it will help open up the outside.3. Magnum. Please, please, get your shooting back on track.
4. L.A. Work on your conditioning. The team can't afford to lose you during crucial moments.
4. Norman Black. Fantastic rotation during the first round. 5. The Bench. They should come in and play with intensity every game. Ford Arao, Ken Barracoso, and Zion Laterre have all done excellent jobs in filling in for the starters.2nd round scheduleSat Aug 20, 2005 4pm vs ADU, ATENEO GYMThu Aug 25, 2005 4pm vs UP, ATENEO GYMSat Aug 27, 2005 4pm vs UE, ARANETASat Sep 3, 2005 2pm vs UST, ATENEO GYMThu Sep 8, 2005 130pm vs NU, ATENEO GYMSun Sep 11, 2005 4pm vs FEU, ARANETAThu Sep 15, 2005 4pm vs DLSU, ARANETA
On a sidenote, it will be interesting to watch the NCAA-UAAP All Star Game this weekend. No idea on how the NCAA teams will fare, but I am sure it will be a nice to watch. Hope nobody gets injured though.
That gives me 3 years to save up!, the same company that offered people with money to waste a trip to the ISS (International Space Station) for $20 million is now offering a lunar fly-by starting in 2008 for only $100 million.
Let me see, that means I have to earn more or less $100,000 a month starting today in order to come up with that amount of cash. Is it too late to join the senatorial race in 2007? :p
CSI: Manila Lately, KC and I have been watching a ton of CSI episodes (Las Vegas, Miami and New York) on DVD and on AXN. As you watch the respective Crime Labs bring forth justice, it makes you wonder how "Manila's Finest" (you know I'm using this phrase very loosely) would compare.
'Nuff said! Received this on an email today. Makes sense. If only half of the people in this country does one of the things stated in this list, our country won't be in a mess. The other half could then run for public office. THERE'S a booklet making the rounds in Metro Manila that every Filipino who loves his country should get a hold of and read. "Twelve (12) Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Our Country," by Alexander Ledesma Lacson, may be a "voice in the wilderness"; but as Fr. Ruben Tanseco, S.J. puts it, what Alex proposes are "very concrete, practical and doable" actions for us ordinary Filipinos. A simple enumeration of these "twelve little things" will not do justice to the work of Alex. You've got to read the whole text, but I shall try to compress a few lines for some of the items mentioned. 1. Follow traffic rules -- Why is that the most important? The answer is simple. Traffic rules are the simplest of our laws. If we learn to follow them, it will be the lowest form of national discipline that we can develop. Since it is totally without monetary cost, it should be easy for us to comply with, and therefore should provide a good start. 2. Whenever you buy or pay for anything, always ask for an official receipt. -- If a seller does not issue an official receipt when you buy a product, the seller may or may not remit the tax to the government. Without an O.R., there is no record of the sale transaction, and the tax that you paid may not be remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. 3. Do not buy smuggled goods. Buy local, buy Filipino. - It may not be good economics to buy 100 percent local products. What I suggest is for us to take a "50-50" buying attitude. This means that we must develop the attitude of using 50 percent of our budget for local products and the other 50 percent for imported choices. 4. When you talk to others, especially foreigners, speak positively of our race and our country -- this is best addressed to the rich and the middle class in our country, who have contact with the outside world. It is they who talk to, dine or deal with foreigners either here or abroad. It is what they say and do which creates impressions about us among foreigners. 5. Respect your traffic officer, policeman, soldier and other public servants -- There is nothing like the power of respect. It makes a person proud. It makes one feel honorable. At the same time, courtesy to others is good manners. It is class and elegance and kindness. It is seeing the value and dignity in the other man. It is, in fact, a mark of a most profound education. 6. Do not litter. Dispose your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle. Conserve. As Louis Armstrong says in his song: "I see trees of green, red roses, too, I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself, what a wonderful world." 7. Support your church. (or charitable/ civic organizations -- :-) 8. During elections, do your solemn duty. -- Honesty, more than a masteral or doctorate degree, is what gives credibility. And credibility is essential because it is a leader's link to the people. It is what makes the people look to one direction, follow a common vision, and perform a uniform act. In short, credibility is what makes people follow the leader. 9. Pay your employees well. -- No exercise is better for the human heart than to reach down and lift someone else up. This truly defines a successful life. For success is the sum, not of our earthly possessions, but of how many times we have shown love and kindness to others. 10. Pay your taxes. -- In 2003, P83 billion was collected from individual income taxes. But 91 percent of this amount came from salaried workers from the government and private sector, people who had no choice since their income taxes were withheld mandatory. Only P7 billion of the P83 billion came from businessmen and professionals like doctors, lawyers, accountants and architects, among others. 11. Adopt a scholar or adopt a poor child. -- You can make a difference in the future of our country by making a difference in the world of children. 12. Be a good parent. Teach your kids to follow the law and to love our country. -- Today's children will someday rule and lead this world. But whether they will be bad rulers or good leaders will depend largely on how we raise them today. Our future is in the hearts and minds of our children.
Willy Wonka does it again
One very vivid memory I had as a kid was watching Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. As an eight-year old, a movie with all-you-can-eat candies and chocolates is as good as it gets. So I was very excited to see how Tim Burton's rendition stacks up to the classic.Thank God it didn't disappoint. Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night and I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although touted to be a kiddie film, Johnny Depp's humor certainly isn't.This is one of those films that suspends your beliefs for two hours and lets you feel like a child again. The lure of candies and chocolates haven't diminished after all.Another great performance from Freddie Highmore - same kid who played Peter in Finding Neverland.
It always comes in 3sI'm very sorry to hear that Raul Roco passed away yesterday morning. Maybe his family and close friends were expecting it since he "withdrew" from the presidential elections last year due to health problems. For me, I guess he will always be the President that the country should but will never have.Come to think of it, he was the second presidential candidate to die since the election. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or Lady Faith might have something to do about it... And the saying that death always comes in 3s. I wonder who will be next (knock on wood).
I'm Gonna Be a DAD!!!
Yup! Seriously. KC is on the way! We found out about a couple of months ago but we waited until we told everybody we are close to before announcing it to the world!On her regular checkup with the OB-GYN yesterday, we heard our little baby's heartbeat for the first time. I have no idea how emotional one can get. I felt so proud and happy upon hearing those heartbeats.Come back soon for more updates on the pregnancy.