01 June 2006

Free Phone Numbers

I just found a very cool website by AOL which offers free US local phone numbers - www.aimphoneline.com. This is very useful for people outside the US to have a "local US number" in which friends and family in the US can call at no extra cost to them. This is VOIP at its best. All you need is a broadband connection and an AIM screen name (which you can easily obtain on the website) and viola! A local number will be supplied to you instantly.

There are however a few downsides to the service. One is that you have to register a valid US address, so put your friend's or family member's address in there. Another is that you have to install yet another instant messaging software into your already crowded taskbar. But other than those 2 minor inconviniences, it is a very useful product, if you ask me.

So instead of paying an extra $4.99 for the same service in Skype, just download this and save that money.

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