Don't get me wrong, I was just as excited as the next guy (or girl) refreshing the engadget and cnet websites for live updates to Steve Jobs' Macworld keynote speech. But after the initial shock of "God! I need to have that!!! NOW!!!!!!!", I have settled down and realized that I don't need it.
Here's why...
a) I have a perfectly working 80GB Ipod Video, sure, the screen is only 2.5 inches compared to the 3.5 widescreen of the iPhone but honestly, I only use my iPod while I'm driving, so the issue of watching videos is nonexistent.
b) I love my phone. I have a Blackberry Pearl which I really like and does what I bought it to do - make phone calls.
c) It costs $599 for the 8GB model - with a two year plan from Cingular! $599!!!! Without a plan, this phone would cost 200-300 bucks more. Lets see, I got my iPod for $309 (after rebates) and my Blackberry for less than $280. No contest here.
d) Now how would I feel if I lost this phone? Or scratch it? I would be completely devastated. e) It is almost impossible to text using this phone. There is only one button and everything else is touch controlled.
As with all other things Apple, this iPhone would surely be a must buy in most lists. There might come a time that I might reconsider and get one. But for now, I'm a skeptic. Until they prove that this phone is worth all that money and that it works as advertised, I'll keep my money. Thank you.
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