04 May 2007

Should internet access be free?

Information is power. And it is sad that access to information is limited to a few percentage of the world's population. Sure, the internet is an excellent source for information but not everybody has ready access to it.

Now, the question is should internet access be free?

Of course telecoms would shiver just in the idea of providing this service gratis, and this is a mistake. Here's why:

1. Following the concept of free TV and free radio, free internet access could be limited to its basic services like email and web surfing. People who use VOIP, P2P, IM and other premium internet service should and would still pay for internet service. It works in television by providing just 5 or so channels for free while charging (a lot!) or other cable channels.

2. Speed to this free access could be limited to 56kbps or lower. Sure, its free and it's probably enough for people who occasionally need to search for recipes, emails, or Wikipedia.

3. Access should be over the air. Technology for this should be as widespread as AM radio signals - but of course, in digital. I am not sure if this technology is available but it should be considered rather than putting wifi access points every 150 feet.

4. Little antennas to access this free OTA should come standard in every computer. Or maybe access over TV. Just plug in a keyboard and a mouse to a TV and instant free internet access - like how it is set up in some hotels.

5. Advertising can easily support this.

6. Filtering websites should be implemented. Sort of like censorship in OTA TV channels.

Internet access should be a right, not a privilege. And I hope it happens in our lifetime.

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