01 September 2005


What in the world is happening? Unless you have been in a bomb shelter the past week trying to hide from the farce that we call "politics in the Philippines" you would have heard that the impeachment complaint against the President is now dead and that the EVAT law has been deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Now let us analyze how these events will affect our daily lives. First of all, we will belch out a collective curse everytime we fill up our gas-guzzling vehicles (Although we sold Tish, we still have our beloved workhorse, Vicks). My prediction is that before the year ends, gasoline prices here in Manila will cost more than 40 pesos/liter, keeping into account the recent hike in international crude prices and the EVAT. I think that's it... Honestly, nobody cares about the impeachment proceedings anymore, it's like congressmen (and women) are just jockeying for airtime to have a certain recall in the voters' minds for the next elections.

Voters' minds... That is a redundant phrase here in the Philippines...


Do you still remember prior to the Iraq-Kuwait War when gasoline prices are in the 7 pesos range? Those were the days... I wonder how long it will be until the great war where nations will fight for the control of the world's fuels. Isn't it weird that the "coddlers of terrorism" as our American friends call them are the world's biggest oil producers? (Coincidence? I don't think so.)

Maybe Islam is the right religion after all... Pray to Allah for oil!!! :P


Another significant development in the previous days had been the hurricane that swept the Gulf states in the United States. Katrina wrecked every concievable thing that was on its path of terror and now, people in places like New Orleans have been resorting to looting in order to eat and stay alive.

I cannot fathom the intensity of this natural disaster just because our typhoons just aren't that bad compared to this Category 5 hurricane. The worst I remember is that a few years ago, Manila was center to a typhoon with winds of upto 160 km/hr. Katrina's gusts went up to about 200 MILES/HR!!!

It is just scary that every natural disaster is becoming more and more intensified as time goes by. Every year, you would hear that the calamity is the worst ever. Worst part is, we can only hope for the best.

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